
Ginger Johnson – The POWer of Human Connection

The Southwest Oregon Economic Summit is proud to present Keynote Speaker, Ginger Johnson. Come ready and willing to think about a better way of engaging in economic development through the eyes of a Chief Connecting Officer, Ginger. Collaboration and connection are not merely nice – they’re necessary elements in our future serving the southwestern Oregon economy.

Ginger Johnson’s Biography – With unmatched energy and enthusiasm, Ginger has delighted groups from three to thousands — online and on-premises all across the globe. From grassroots organizations leading community change to Fortune 500 companies fueling industry transformation, Ginger’s sweet spot is tailoring each experience to the unique needs of the people she’s connecting with now.

Dr. Bill Griesar and Jeff Leake – Understanding the Next Gen Workforce

As we look to the future of the Southwestern Oregon Economy, employers need to understand how their future workforce is thinking. Bill and Jeff, co-founders of Northwest Noggin will provide valuable insight into that question to help our region learn more about attracting and retaining talented employees. Bill and Jeff use neuroscience research, real brain samples, and art to explain synapses and neurons in the brain to challenge some existing biases, spur innovation, and build stronger cross-disciplinary community connections.

Stephanie Todd, Webster Global Site Selectors – Recruitment Strategies for SW Oregon

Stephanie Todd with Webster Global Site Selectors will explore steps regional leaders can take to make SW Oregon more competitive and attractive to new businesses and valuable niche employers considering relocating in the west.

Dr. Kim Freeze – The Resolution Engine

The Southwest Oregon Economic Summit will open with a unique and engaging collaborative exercise leveraging the expertise and talent of those in the room to provide solutions to real-life problems identified by attendees.


Oregon Entrepreneurs Network PubTalk – Wednesday, May 14, 5:30pm – 8:00pm

PubTalks are Oregon Entrepreneurs Network’s flagship networking events where members of the entrepreneurial community gather to connect and learn from and about entrepreneurs. With the energy of Cara Turano, and the track record of the statewide efforts to reach and encourage entrepreneurs, attendees will participate in a presentation and discussion on the impact small business and startups will have on the future of the southwestern Oregon economy.

Philanthropy Powerhouse

Hear from, and be inspired by, the leaders of regional philanthropic organizations as they discuss the impact of their efforts as we look to the future of the southwestern Oregon economy.